Lighting Advice


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Hey guys, I just inherited a 26g tank and I would like to start a planted tank. It also came with a T8 Aqua-glo 20 watt lighting and I was just wondering if this would be appropriate for plants such as Java Fern, Amazon Swords, Anubias, and Jungle Vals. The tank is 20 inches high and is currently being cycled. Thanks for any help.
It should be OK. Its a bit on the low side, but will be fine for the plants you mention though.
Sorry to hi-jack your thread but its on the same topic.
I have a 95l marina style tank. I am doing a low tech set up. According to websites it comes with 1 15w fluorescent tube. Is my light enough to cope with have fern,moss,anubias,crypts and Valli's? I am dosing with ei frets and liquid co2 (seachem flourish excel)

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