Lighting Advice Needed


Fish Fanatic
Apr 26, 2007
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I currently have a T5 Overtank with 2 x 54w blue and 2x 54w white tubes running on my Juwel Vision 260l marine tank.
There are assorted fish and soft corals in the tank all doing fine,but i am wondering if it would be possible to change the lights over to the new Aquaray LED lights.
I've changed the lights over on one of my tropicals to the aquaray and the shimmer effect is great and there is no loss of light compared to my old t5 compacts on there.
The problem i have is that no matter where i look,i cant seem to find out how many light units i'd need to give me a similar output on my marine as i get from my T5's.
Can anybody give me a pointer to where to look,or any advice on the amount of units i'd need.

Well, TMC claims they output more light than a 24watt PC lamp each. So I'd GUESS you'd be OK with a bank of say 5 per 2' square area
I'd still go for a MH luminaire if it were me. I dont think Aquarays would be up to the mark if you ever wanted to keep SPS some time in the future.
I really have to take some pics of the LED tank at my LFS to show you guys :)
i have the same tank and started on LEDs. In the end after learning I would need 6-8 units to light my tank I took them back. I was a noob and they didnt tell me at the LFS that I would need more than two. So I switched to t5 and now have 2x blue and 2x white plus 2x white LED for the shimmer, whicg is great I must say.
i have the same tank and started on LEDs. In the end after learning I would need 6-8 units to light my tank I took them back. I was a noob and they didnt tell me at the LFS that I would need more than two. So I switched to t5 and now have 2x blue and 2x white plus 2x white LED for the shimmer, whicg is great I must say.

That right there is a great way to do things as well IMO :)
Thanks for all the advice guys. I got in touch with TMC and the suggested 6 or 7 units ,ideally 3 blue,3 white and one mixed.The diagram i was given was based on me fitting the units into the original lid for the Juwel which i didnt really want to be putting back on the tank.
I think i'll take your advice and get a couple of whites to add to the existing unit,its the shimmer effect that i really do want.
Thanks again guys.
That is some really expensive lighting change, 6-7 units retails at about £600-£700. You do realise that for that kind of money you could buy a twin 250W with t5 actinics and still have a few hundred left in change. With the halide you get a tried and tested method and the shimmering effect. I know there are drawbacks to the halide like heat and energy consumption but still that is pricey. I await the day when LEDS come down in price and halides are a thing of the past but until then the halide is better overall.

Best of luck with your plans


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