Light Tubes-difference?


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi, i want a planted tank and atm only hae 1WPG. this is not enough of course! so, i am going to get another tube and ballast etc. probably from lamp specs. all i want to know is, in terms of growing plants what is the difference between the £13 tubes in my lfs and the really cheap ones on lampspecs? i thought plants just went on amount of light, so surely i can go for the cheaper option? any help will be invaluble. Ty. :good:
bump, someone on here tonight must know! x
provided they are specified as the same, then they errr are THE SAME !!!! theres a LOT of "black magic" spouted about lfs.... they get their gear from the same places as the rest of us "savvy" shoppers !

I try to never buy from the lfs if I can help it !

I dont get through a lot of tubes, but I cna ALWAYS find them cheaper online at electrical outlets... the killer is the postage, and they are quite fragile !
In the end I usually get mine from "the range" a discount store, with a pets dept !

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