Hi All,
I'm not happy with my tank and want to add some root plants (Amazon Sword and some crypts (im thinking one Petchii and one wendtii.) The other plants in the tank are all stem plants, java ferns and anubus so I have been vacuuming the gravel each week when I do water changes. After I put the new plants in I'm not sure if I should just not vacuum around them and keep on doing the gravel in the rest of the tank?
The Amanzon Sword will go in the back middle and I'm thinking of putting the crypts on the left and moving that bit of Java fern wood to the right (also brining the stones at the right forward a bit and maybe re-arrange them and putting some form of Ludwigia behind it. Its a low tech tank. Groot will stay as my daughter choose that and loves it lol.
Oh the tank is a 190ltr and i guess you could call it a higher one (got it 2nd hand and in retrospect after seeing most of the tanks on here I'd rather it have been a wide one but that's ok.) I'm open to suggestions. I'd like some more plants but the budget only stretches so far at this point.
I'm not happy with my tank and want to add some root plants (Amazon Sword and some crypts (im thinking one Petchii and one wendtii.) The other plants in the tank are all stem plants, java ferns and anubus so I have been vacuuming the gravel each week when I do water changes. After I put the new plants in I'm not sure if I should just not vacuum around them and keep on doing the gravel in the rest of the tank?
The Amanzon Sword will go in the back middle and I'm thinking of putting the crypts on the left and moving that bit of Java fern wood to the right (also brining the stones at the right forward a bit and maybe re-arrange them and putting some form of Ludwigia behind it. Its a low tech tank. Groot will stay as my daughter choose that and loves it lol.
Oh the tank is a 190ltr and i guess you could call it a higher one (got it 2nd hand and in retrospect after seeing most of the tanks on here I'd rather it have been a wide one but that's ok.) I'm open to suggestions. I'd like some more plants but the budget only stretches so far at this point.