Light set up


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
How high above the water should lights be? I am trying to set up a new hood and am doing some massive research as usual. I want the make the hood as simple and minimal as possible, so I want to know the smallest distance from bulb to water.

If you use glass screens on top of your tank then your lights can be as low as you like.

Remember, your typical aquarium light fixtures are only usually advertised as "splash proof".

I dont see any issues with your tank inhabitants, and I think you will still have an even spread of light.

FWIW, one of my old hoods only had the light about 2 inches above the water.
I'm not using a typical aquarium fixture... I have purchased a fixture and bulbd from a lighting store, so there is no casing around the light
So your tank has ledges round the inside near the top yes?

If so put a couple sheets of glass on that so there is no way the water can get to the lights. You'll have to clean the glass every couple of weeks as algae grows quickly on it. The glass will also cut down on evapouration too.
I would say, as long at the tubes are not in the water its high enough, take some vaseline and put on the tips ( electrical contections ), keeps them from rusting

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