Light hood screws rusting out

Aug 14, 2003
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San Diego, CA
Eh, the screws that hold the cover plate on my light hood keep rusting out. I guess I'm gonna have to get some plastic screws, but I doubt I can find some that are small enough to fit the tank. I'll be sending a complaint to the manufacturer too lol.
Maybey there is something out there you can buy that will "seal" the rust to make sure it wont get into your tank water. Just in case, before you buy a new one. I would deffinatly write the company though lol GL! :)
I'm definantly going to shop around and see what I can find. I'd prefer plastic screws, but like I said before I doubt I'll find any that small of a size. I was thinking of putting water proof tape over the screws, maybe that'll work.....
how about putting a blob of silicon (aquarium) sealant on each screw that should stop it.

Make sure that if write to the manufacturer yuo find the name of the person highest up. They will get really pi55ed off about having to read a letter complainting about having to replace 4 screws :lol:
They will get really pi55ed off about having to read a letter complainting about having to replace 4 screws

hahaha :p Well I already emailed them about it. I also included a suggestion that if they're recommeding their tank as "Perfect for bettas" then they should do a little research and realize that bettas don't like to much water movement and should include an air flow regulator. Also, plastic plants rip the delicate fins of bettas, so it may be wise to include a silk plant in the tank instead of a plastic one.

For now I'm gonna use waterproof tape until I get a chance to buy some silicone stuff. That should do the trick.

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