Light For Turtles


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
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I have 3 aquatic turtles and i was wondering how long i should leave the basking lamp on? like all the time, just at night, or just in the morning? Ive been leaving it on all the time, but i wanted to make sure that was alright.
Hi, the basking lamp only needs to be on for a max of 8 hours per day, as your heater will keep the water warm which is all that is needed.
Hi, the basking lamp only needs to be on for a max of 8 hours per day, as your heater will keep the water warm which is all that is needed.

ok, is there any times i should put them on, like at night or in the evening? i forgot to mention that they are in a "pond" in the garage, so its colder since there is no heating in the garage and its winter.
What type of lamp is it ie, red or white spot light? If red I would leave on all the time at the moment, a garage in this weather wil be very cold at night. What other set up do you have?
the heat lamp should be on for 8-10 hours in a day the same time the 10% uv light is on. the uv and heat lamp should be over the basking area as the lights are ment to be mimiking the sun and in there natural enviroment they bask in the sun soaking up the heat and uv.

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