Light For New Fish Tank


New Member
Jul 16, 2006
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I've just set up my new fish tank, at the moment i have only synthetic plants but i was wondering do i still need a light for my fish?

Help :/
And just to be difficult - my understanding has always been that the light is only essential for real plants which will not survive without a light due to photosynthesis etc (remember biology at school? :/ ) - so if you have artificial plants you do not need a light - however - most people prefer a light because they can see the fish better! The fish don't give a flying doo-dah whether or not they have light.

Be aware however that the light only needs to be on for a few hours a day or you will end up with looooads of algae.

And just to be difficult - my understanding has always been that the light is only essential for real plants which will not survive without a light due to photosynthesis etc (remember biology at school? :/ ) - so if you have artificial plants you do not need a light - however - most people prefer a light because they can see the fish better! The fish don't give a flying doo-dah whether or not they have light.

Be aware however that the light only needs to be on for a few hours a day or you will end up with looooads of algae.


Good answer fat guppy :good:
Although not essential in a un-planted tank, you need it to see the fish :D
And just to be difficult - my understanding has always been that the light is only essential for real plants which will not survive without a light due to photosynthesis etc (remember biology at school? :/ ) - so if you have artificial plants you do not need a light - however - most people prefer a light because they can see the fish better! The fish don't give a flying doo-dah whether or not they have light.

Be aware however that the light only needs to be on for a few hours a day or you will end up with looooads of algae.


Thank you very much indeed, i'm sure i will have more questions in time when i get my little fishies.


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