Life Expectancy of Plecko


New Member
Aug 30, 2003
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Hi folks!

Can any one give me an idea of the life expectancy of a common plecko. I just lost one I've had for about four years and I have no idea of the cause of death.

There were no marks or fungus on the body. There did seem to be blood pooling under the scales, but he must have been laying there for about 6 hours before I found him (he died sometime in the night). There is another fish in the aquarium with him that doesn't seem to be affected by anything either.

Thanks for your help.
Hi wickedxyx :)

I'm going to move your thread to the Catfish Cradle where it is more likely to be seen by people who know a lot about plecos. :D
Plecs are quite long lived for fish reaching 20 years+ in a good healthy enviroment.

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