Lh's: Brackish Semi-planted


Jun 30, 2007
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Ok first i feel like i should share my plan with you all-

This isnt going to be easy,but i feel up to the challenge of making something good using only about 3 kinds of plants. Being so limited not many people have ever tried this. But I assure you that i will make something that looks very good and hopefully maybe somone might try this some day.

Any ideas or helpfull criticism is greatly appreciated so dont hold back :nod:

If its Stared********** i need help with

Major Challenges-well for one with the amount of lighting to grow plants(Algea) and also this is a tall tank so bair with me trying to find ways to make use of the height.

Ok Lets Start With The Basics:

Tank Volume -48 US gal 36x24x13(again its a tall tank)

Filtration Type-Well right now I have a crummy power filter,but i will be getting a canister for this:Mostly Likely Rena:Fil Star 75 Gal

Lighting Type*- DIY Fixture-3 20 Watt Tubes 2 sun glow,1 power glow( i know you would usally need more but for ferns i think that will be ok)

CO2 Method of injection- None

Substrate Type-4 Inches 50/50 Mixed half aragamax,half Moon Sand- Here/Here-cant find the link for it(same maker as tahitan Black Moon Sand)

Fertilisation Types- Just the basic meat and potatoes for this.

Water chemistry- pH 8.0, Am-0,Nitrite-0,Nitrate 10ppm Temp-80F

Maintenance- Water changed,Routein Cleaning,Algea destroying

Fish list of species- *Need Some Help With this-6x Blue Legged Hermits,15xBBG,LOTS OF NERITE SNAILS, NEED TOP DWELLER

Plants list of species-*Java Fern(lots),Java Moss,Cryptocoryn Cillata,Brackish Sea Grasses(i have not a clue where to buy this)

Decor types- For decor there will obviously be Limestone Stones,Various other stones for Java Fern to stick to ETC

Additional comments- 1 powerhead too,to keep things moving

Ive Done my homework on all of this,Here are some references- Plants

o and plz answer some of the questions- thanks!!

all comments are appreciated!!! :hyper:
Just to say my opinion on the hagen bulbs they are rubbish imo.

I got them bundled with both of my tanks. The one in the 60L worked for ages, but when I got a new arcadia blub it was much better. In the 35L the included bulb blew after like a month or two. I put a white Interpet one in and discovered my water wasn't actually yellow! It was the rubbish bulb by hagen.
It's been about a month. What's the status on this tank? I'd like to see a nice Brackish setup in this section.


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