LFS VS Pet Store?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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Which one is a betta (pun intended!) place to buy bettas? I went to a nearby LFS and they had a whole bunch of VTs. I saw a Delta, but it was waaaaay expensive! ($35! That'll blow me 4 days worth of pocket money).

Any tips for choosing bettas?
IMO, the best fish stores are run by thailand and asian people. They take the best care of fish and they sell it cheap too. My lfs that is run by thailand people rocks! Their deltas, super deltas, crowns, are all under 9 bux. They also sell female bettas which is rare in southern california. When you choose a betta, choose the one that's perky, alert, no scale damage, not depresed or sick. Also choose a type of tail you want, and color too if thats what you're aiming for.
holy crow $35 for a deltatail :crazy:

I got mine this week for $7 can :p
I never see deltas or half-moons or doulbe-tails at any of my LFS. Just VT's and sometimes crowntails. They rarely have females but I found out Walmart sells some pretty little girls.
Dart said:
holy crow $35 for a deltatail :crazy:

I got mine this week for $7 can :p
It was really really nice though. It was a Delta/Butterfly combo, blue and white! That was so gorgeous. I have this love for HM and Deltas. They're so beautiful! But all I can afford for now is VTs, so lol!
From my experience, it really doesn't matter. All of the LFSs and pet stores near me still keep them in the small cups. I think it's pretty much a matter of space. Since they have to be seperated, the stores just can't put them in tanks because of lack of space. A couple of the LFSs near me do a little better than the cups. They put them in a small basket likt thing that hangs on the inside of their tanks. It doesn't give them any more space to move around in but at least they are in a filtered tank but seperate from the other fish.
There's an LFS that opened up near me a few weeks ago- Aquarium and Reef. I havent checked it out yet. All I know, its the ONLY LFS around here. I cant wait to check it out and see how much better it is in comparison to regular LPSs.

Hmm.. maybe this weekend. I want to get a crown betta or something really cool.
Well, I fequent Walmart, Petsmart, Petco, and my LFS....I have to say Walmart has lovely fish for cheap but they aren't super well taken care of, Petsmart and Petco always have good fish but my LFS has THE best selection (a bit higher priced I must say) but their fish are always gorgeous.

When I buy bettas, I always look to see how active they are in their little cups. I love to buy super fiesty boys who are flaring at the others in their cups. At least you know they feel pretty good!
It all depends on the day, and also depends on who happens to be working at the store that day.

I've gone into all the stores around here that sell bettas and had different experiences each time.

I'd never pay that much for a betta, particularly because when I'm looking for them (with the exception of Six and Charlie) I always try to get the ones that no one else will probably want or want the hassle of trying to heal. :p
I generally end up paying around 3$ for mine.
I paid 6$ for six here in town, though, too.
They do have halfmoons, doubletails and crowns at the same store where I got Six. None of them are more than 6$.

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