Lfs Special Orders Fish!


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
Reaction score
milton, fl
Ive got a 20usgal long a 30usgal and a 10

current inhabitants include

1 betta in the 10gal

5 corydorahs, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 rtbs, and 1 Spotted African leaf fish in the 20gal

6 Odessa Barbs, 1 common plec, and a spotted raphael cat in the 30

once my sand comes in, im gonna redo my 20 and 30 with sand,
give the common plec to my LFS,
and transfer the bristle nose and the RTBS to the 30

anything interesting i should order???
maybe some small loaches?i have 2 angelic botia loaches in my 30 gal and have a blast watching them.
well i guess ill just go through the laborious task of finding my own fish


Yeah, its such a chore having to do your own research to find out what you like. Why can't the other forum members just drop everything, forget their lives and get straight on the PC to make your life easier?

Shocking. Can't get the staff these days I tell ya.
well i guess ill just go through the laborious task of finding my own fish


Yeah, its such a chore having to do your own research to find out what you like. Why can't the other forum members just drop everything, forget their lives and get straight on the PC to make your life easier?

Shocking. Can't get the staff these days I tell ya.
Sarky! no need for that. I take it you dropped everything to type out that reply :rolleyes:
well i guess ill just go through the laborious task of finding my own fish


Yeah, its such a chore having to do your own research to find out what you like. Why can't the other forum members just drop everything, forget their lives and get straight on the PC to make your life easier?

Shocking. Can't get the staff these days I tell ya.


i know what i like!
i just wanted opinions

i didnt mean to offended anyone by asking opinions.

and loaches sound cool
i tried some dojos awhile back but they got a bacterial infection =/
i'm not offended and i get where your coming from,i see fish i like and do research but i still need someone to tell me they tried it before and it worked or it didn't work.sometimes research isn't enough,you need to hear someones personal experience.as far as loaches go,check them out before you get any but i have to say they are entertaining.
Hi, what kinda fish do you like? Give us some hints and we can think of something suitable for you :)
well i guess ill just go through the laborious task of finding my own fish


Yeah, its such a chore having to do your own research to find out what you like. Why can't the other forum members just drop everything, forget their lives and get straight on the PC to make your life easier?

Shocking. Can't get the staff these days I tell ya.
Sarky! no need for that. I take it you dropped everything to type out that reply :rolleyes:

I'd hazard a guess that you (like me) were bored and unable to sleep to be on TFF during the early hours of the morning Modaz?

People give their own time to help people out on here and it helps to remember that they don't have to.
Anyway, no harm done - lets move on:

I'm a little tired and easily confused, so is it the 20 or 30 gal youre looking to stock? Or looking for additions to both? I've tried reading your OP a few times but I haven't had coffee yet and I can't work out what fish will be in what tank, so heres a few different ideas:

If you moved your fish from the 20g to the 30g (don't know if thats practical) and you've got the 20g spare, you could look at a cookie cutter tangiyikan cichlid community. Check this link out:


Or if you're looking for some interesting community fish - German Blue Rams. Thats the pic in my avatar (they don't always look as bright as that pic, but they are massively colourful.) If you buy a male/female pair they should be quite happy. They're more assertive than alot of community fish but won't really bully most community fish:

A Golden Wonder Panchax might do well in the 30G as its mostly robust fish in there - they are gorgeous surface dwellers. Don't mix with anything small though, it'll eat them:

And the hillstream loach is another option, depending on the dimensions of the tank and how strong your filter output is. They like a very strong current and smooth rocks in the flow of it to 'surf' on. Great little fish, I've got my heart set on setting up a tank for them:

Thats a couple of ideas. I'm about to go to my LFS once I'll pop a few more ideas on here when I get back.
i didnt mean to be the newguy, all questions and no opinions his own
and yes no harm done =D

The stocking for the tanks will eventually be
20gl: 1 Ctenopoma acutirostre, and 5 Corydoras Catfish
30gl: 6 Odessa Barbs, 1 Red Tail Black Shark, 1 Bristlenose Pleco, and 1 Spotted Raphael Cat
Ive got no particular attatchments to the Raphael Cat though, he's my friend's old fish.

i was looking to stock both with something new really.
I could easily rehome most of my fish, though the Odessa would be the last to go
in either tank u could get kribs. pretty fishies :wub: . um.......... Rams, blu or gold, pretty 2, hmmm.......... too l8 at nite 4 a 12 yr old 2 think, lol. ill think of more and tell u in the morning. i spent all day driving around Vermont and New Hampshire. im on vacation.

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