lfs job


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
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new jersey
Do any of you know why you hav to be 16 to work at petstores im iin nj and i need a job and lfs would be perfect but im 9 months too young anyone know a way around it??
yes i can but don't kno if the 16 limit is a state policy or its just a rule the store made.
I volunteer (for discounts :D ) at a fish store (i'm 15) and they tell me that I can't legally work there for pay and all that until I'm 16 too. They have told me that they have that policy because of their insurance. A "work minor" getting hurt on the job can be a BIG complication for them. Ask them why though, I'm sure they'll be glad to tell you.

Good luck!
If u work under the restricted age its child labour or something and its illeagle for the shop owner to hire you.
A lot of places wont hire you because you work around chemicals and fish that can potentially bite and hurt you. It's weird laws and stuff.

When I worked at the petstore I had to sign all these wavers about being bit by reptiles and getting a finger taken off by a macaw :lol:

But they hired me at 14.
don't the working papers i get at school make it all legal?maybe they will let me volunteer like dc does. have to call them again,.
kell said:
If u work under the restricted age its child labour or something and its illeagle for the shop owner to hire you.
in the states a child from the age of 14 to 16 can get a work permit if their parent and school agree to it. and it cant be for more than a certain number of hours and has to leave by 10 pm at the latest.

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