LFS horrors

While volunteering at the fish store, we were emptying out a holding vat for live rock and someone let it overflow.... Before you know it, there are about 200 gallons of water on the ground seeping into the post office next door! I ran, got all the towels in the back, got the "Wet-Vac" and we had a major clean up! Luckily, the water didn't go into the post office! Also, a Yellowmargin Eel "flipped" its tail and cut someone :huh: I didn't know they could do that!
Ouch. That would suck. I went into my local petsmart and looked at the gold fish tank. AHHH. Half the gold fish were dead, and the tank was cloudy. It was disgusting.
This morning I ran to Wal-Mart to get my new camera, and while I was there I picked up some algae wafers. The feeder tanks (2 of them) had a "bed" of goldfish about two inches deep of heaving goldfish. Most of them looked alive, they were just all laying on top of each other :sick: :-(

On the other way this topic could go... When I managed the LFS that used to be in town, I got a call one morning to come in. We had a 700gal tank that had dumper fish in it such as pacu, Oscars, knives, large catfish, etc. Any way at some point they had broken the glass and water was everywhere. We had to close the store for two days to clean it up. Some of the fish survived though, so it must have just happened before that employee got there.

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