Not sure if this is the right place, or even if allowed - apologies if not and if it gets removed, I'll know it was the wrong thing to do! I won't mention the LFS (if that helps keep the post here) - if you are driving distance from M25/J6, PM me and I will let you know where to go.
My LFS has been fitting out a new Coral Room, and this is due to have it's official opening tomorrow evening from 17.30 to 20.00. There will be a 20% discount on all marine livestock (fish and inverts) and dry goods plus other discounts of marine related items throughout the store. The new room is stocked with a large amount of soft coral, and some fish and inverts. These are in excess of the existing marine fish/invert stocks. You will also be able to see the space for the new 6'x3'x3' reef tank which is due very soon and will be filled with live rock, and an impressive selection of fish and corals.
I was hoping to be helping out, but sadly can't make it. The garden centre it is housed in is also open late night, so there is lots to see.
My LFS has been fitting out a new Coral Room, and this is due to have it's official opening tomorrow evening from 17.30 to 20.00. There will be a 20% discount on all marine livestock (fish and inverts) and dry goods plus other discounts of marine related items throughout the store. The new room is stocked with a large amount of soft coral, and some fish and inverts. These are in excess of the existing marine fish/invert stocks. You will also be able to see the space for the new 6'x3'x3' reef tank which is due very soon and will be filled with live rock, and an impressive selection of fish and corals.
I was hoping to be helping out, but sadly can't make it. The garden centre it is housed in is also open late night, so there is lots to see.