Lfs Betta Shopping


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Well currently I am signed off sick for two weeks and need to get out the house for fresh air and so thought why not go fish store shopping even if to browse? I had not been near Pets at Home before so thought I would trek out on the bus, with a vverrry long walk and finally we got there. It is a big place and the stock is limited but least quite clean. I was impressed at first as most the bettas were in individual slotted tanks, most looked healthy in tail respect except one and two were in the main community tanks. I have two slots currently awaiting bettas, one for the sought after white CT which still waiting to hear on and the other spare and promised on a stocking, but I could still look and be tempted! Brought a large plant recommended to me by Jennybugs on here and now have slightly more filled tank (thanks jen!)

I did see two stunning bettas, one very feisty VT with lots of colours on his blue based body but he kept attempting to jump to get to the others and really did not want him jumping a divide. The second was like Reno but in VT form but bless him subdued in a community tank. They had just had a large delivery and so all the bags were floating in the relevant tanks and not being tended to but unsure if this was temperature acclimation. One lady looking at the goldfishes gasped and when looked round one of the bags was half over the side and a goldie in it with no water! She reacted quickly and popped him back in the water part, bless him..I managed to resist both and headed back passing by Proaquatics.

They had only two left that both looked tattered, their bettas always sell well and never see their first stocking, had a play with a clown fish and moved on.

On my way back on the bus what should I see a new Pets at Home 20mins away by bus that has just opened, big and how come I never knew! Cursing slightly went home, got lunch then determindly popped on bus to check the new closer store out!

It is smaller (only a little) than the other, their products were the same and the fish selection smaller. The bettas unfortuantely in this one were each in a community. They also seemed to have only basic blues and reds. Although temptation raised it s head again! There was a cute turquoise VT that stood out from rest with his vibrancy though he had quite a lot of curl to his fins, then I saw a massive flash of blue in the tank next door. There was a stunning midblue HM (i think!) he was chasing everything in sight and had really impressive finnage. I must have been there 20 mins starring and watching him as the guy came over to ask if he could help (prior to this I had been stalking him listening to how his knowledge was with the customers - he was pretty good! Only thing did not agree is they as a policy say bettas one good for a community) well we got chatting and reallllly tempted but walked away eventually with the bracket been looking for all along for £2.40.

Never did make it to the store I intended to go to all along but that will be when he gets the new stock in now!

Anyways not much point just thought would tell of fishy adventures and if anyone near Bournemouth to tempt you! (there was also a very brilliant red one with a good shine to the scales in the second P@H).

Some pics caught of blue and turquoise, didnt think about me camera in first store:
Fleeting glimpse of turquoise

The blue whilst not chasing

The blue preparing to chase and can see his lovely finnage
Yes very nice finnage.

Shame the shops don't realise that tetras are likely to nip, even if they don't it portrays a false image that all tetras are safe.
Yeah... do feel sorry for the mixes they produce sometimes :( Hopefully someone will home him soon before he does get nipped, though tbh he was king of that tank when I saw him. I am still learning on the shoaling fish but could see combos that definately didnt work.
Aw! Sure just need to shop around! I didn't know there were these kinds around either till today. :)
Pets at home have VTs they never half any toehr types of bettas.
But sometimes you catch a rare one, i saw a white male vt, it was stunning!
Glad you had a good day, wheres this new pets at home?
It is in a random place called Branksome in an Industrial Business park that seems to be the upcoming thing! Glad found it as it is even long walking distance :)
Wow I wish more pet stores were like that. My pet store has them in tiny tiny little vases about 2 inches tall.
Beautiful bettas!
Is it a new shop, or is it just refurbished?

My local P@H has been refurbished recently, the fish section was closed for 4 weeks. The new set up looks amazing. and the staff seem to be more helpful as well. Still a few dead fish in tanks, but definitely a step forward for the most hated fish shop. :lol:
Think it is new as me being oblivious noticed some posters around the area announcing new shop! There is a large estate with lots of big stores opening and getting ready to open so it seems a new thing. There were only two dead goldies in the selection and these were bagged which looked like ready to take out and as said the guy seemed to mainly know his stuff and they seemed pretty diligent on asking questions. So not bad better than the other store which I discovered first and shall not name and is dreadful! They do seem a step above the rest that side of town but obviously still not perfect ( I think larger stores would have a hard time to remain perfect not to be too hard on them). It was also pretty shiny ;)

Is yours local to you Hawkins and a better class in the area especially now shiny and new? :)
I don't think betta should be sold as community fish but if someone can get their boy to work in a community, that's cool. Mine is in there until he starts to cause trouble, and he seems pretty happy at the mo.

That turquoise VT looks purdy!

Oh, btw, there's a pretty platinum CT on Aquabid that can be shipped to UK =)
It is at Lincoln. I was actually amazed at how good it looked.

They were also adding a dose of stress coat to each bag of fish and explained what it does to the customers!
Looks like I have to eat my words. :blush: Whilst out running errands I popped into the local Petsmart to buy cat litter, I stopped by the betta area and saw the most gorgeous blue female halfmoon. She was exactly the same color as the blue betta in the 1st post. Unfortunately, due to being in the process of moving, and not having a filtered tank, I was not able to give her a home. :( Hopefully some other local betta lover will be able to give her the home she deserves.
AW lol, it is funny how things work like that! Good luck on the move, sure there will something good the other end ;)

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