Lf Marble Bn


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I got 6 juvies, and 2 males have thrived and survived. The females have all failed to thrive. I had the same results with the LF albino BN I got from this breeder. Nevertheless, the price is still good.

These are just beginning to show their whiskers. Although I don't think I got a good shot of the stubble.
The pics are soso. Not too good, but there are plenty of them. :)









Wow! these are really bad pics! But the BN are stunning!
I will keep trying to get a good pic. They are a dark brown with pinkish trim. The fins are very full and wavy like a light summer frock in a breeze. It is hard to see them on the wood, as you say.
:sick: Awful looking plec, why people have to breed long fin varieties I dont know, they always end up all tatty, and horrid.

appart from the finage, the colour looks great though.

thats my 5pence worth anyway
I like him. Except for the color he looks like a sting ray. I don't think he looks tatty at all. :p
hehe, I dont mean he looks tatty, I mean when they get older, most long finned varieties tend to end up with shredded and tatty fins. I do like the colours and the over all shape. just not a fan on extra finage ;)
:sick: Awful looking plec, why people have to breed long fin varieties I dont know, they always end up all tatty, and horrid.

appart from the finage, the colour looks great though.

thats my 5pence worth anyway

Yer i feel the same..they are great little plecs in their own rite, why then need to manufacture long finned versions ill never know :(
<<she stamps her little foot!>>

I hope this thread doesn't end up a debate on LF, man made, etc., etc, etc.

Me and my fish are very happy. My fish, my choice. Thank you.

I also like nectarines and tea roses and my hybrid Prius..
lol, now now Sue :angel: I was just stating my views, but they are nice fish hehehe, /me stops derailing the thread and goes back to lurking
And my manufactured VT Bettas I am fond of, too, as well as Oranda goldies and all those pretty discus in the shows and my apistodave orange flash and red tail agassazi apistos. Give me a break.

:blink: manufactured fish :blink:

She goes to bed mumbling.....
And my manufactured VT Bettas I am fond of, too, as well as Oranda goldies and all those pretty discus in the shows and my apistodave orange flash and red tail agassazi apistos. Give me a break.

:blink: manufactured fish :blink:

She goes to bed mumbling.....

LOL, I like most varients, and hybrids, I SO want a RTC and TSN hybrid, but I dont have a 3,000 gallon setup :)
What are RTC and RSN, Studz? Have you been hanging out with CFC?

I must admit that I do get tired of folks jumping on their band wagon and shouting rudely about their opinons on hybrids and "man made" like they had the corner on Truth, Justice and the Aquarist"s way--Look it's super Fish Person!

But people certainly do have preferences, and I would be the last to deny them that in my world. Just civility to my little aqua world and my choices is what I expect. I don't think it's required to make every thread an opportunity to to drag out the purist's soap box.

And actually I love a good debate. But the Purist/Husbandman debate never goes well. Logic, reason and sense get thown out for opnions and hot emotion. But if someone wants to start a debate thread send ne a link, and I will surely join in the fray.

Thank you, Studz for looking at my fish. And I will keep in mind about the tattered fin thing on older fish. But really, VT Bettas have the longest and when cared for their fins hold up and they enjoy a decent old age. I do think that it may be possible that long finned varieties of fish may be more prone to fin rot. I think this fellow will be safe with the Coreys, and I will keep in mind the idea that he could be endangered by nippers.

As a matter of fact I have a dwarf LF albino Plec in the sorority tank that I should look out for then. So far his fins are not long like this fellow.
What are RTC and RSN, Studz? Have you been hanging out with CFC?

RTC - Red Tail Catfish
TSN - Tiger Shovelnose Catfish

I havent seen CFC around for a while, ;)

The only time I dont like the hybridisation, and demorphism is when it causes problem with to the fish, such as seen in Parrot cichlids, their mouths are so deformed that in some cases they can not feed well.

I am on the fence with goldfish, as I do like fantails and such like, but the deformation can cause problems with their swim bladder. My views on goldifsh are a little extensive and this is not the time nor place for them :) dirty messy fish, too much work for what they are, there we go summed up a little in a few words anyway.

If there are no threats the the environment nor from damage and harm to the fish I dont mind the hybridisation, I just personaly dont like 'many' of the long finned varieties


/me huggles Sue, you know I lubb you!

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