Levels? -feedback appreciated


New Member
May 14, 2005
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Hi all,

We are a couple of noobs at all this and we have a 90 litre tank that we have cycled and added 5 zebra fish.

they seem to be going strong and we have just got ourselves a test kit and here are the results.

Amonia - 0.25
PH - 7.6
Nitrate - 80
Nitrite - 2

the tank is 2 weeks old - we treated the tank to cycle it initially.

im just looking for feedback and comments

mike + rach
I'm afraid your tank isn't cycled till you have 0 reading in ammonia,and a 0 reading in nitrite, i would do a water change.
If you added that nutrafin benefical bacteria it just speeds the bacteria colony up, but it dosn't cycle your tank instantly or at a week time.
i realise that the tank is not fully ready, unfortunatly we acted on the advice of the staff at world of water who told us that the water would be fine after 1 week. Having found this forum since i now realise that we probably went a bit hastily
You are not far off from being cycled, just keep an eye on fish, if they look like they are not coping do a water change, good luck.
what are other Bene bacteria products i could get for my tanks? I need to get some, b/c they are taking way too long, and im gonna need them here shortly (babies)

could I O/D to make it grow even faster, or is that bad for something? There isn't any fish in them...
The only product I have heard of that is supposed to almost instantly cycle your tank is Bio Spira. It only works however is it has been properly handled and stored by the LFS you get it from. This place in Tennessee - www.fishstoretn.com - is supposed to be a goodsourse for it but I haven't personally ordered from them. Everyone on another forum I visit says that ehy handle it properly and that it definitely works. The biggest draw back though is that it is expensive, about $10 plus shipping for one for a 30 gallon tank and about $20 plus shipping for the 90 gallon one.

If you have babies coming, then you must have a another tank right? Just take some of the filter sponge from that tank (assuming its fairly disese free) and put it in the new tank - should then cycle almost immediately..

aj xx

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