Levamisole - Treating For Camellanus


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
As the topic says, i am treating my angels for Camellanus using Levamisole. I have had to treat the whole tank as it is more than likely that the rest of the fish are infected. Other inhabitants are guppies, tetras, danios and some bristlenose plecs. I have followed the dosage as i found on the net and dosed my 130L with 60ml worth of Levacide (Levamisole @ 3%). All the fish are still alive (only been 1hr), but all my guppies are hanging near the surface.

Does anyone have recent experience of using this? Have i over-dosed?
I didn't think you could get this without a vet's prescription, you could have bought the discus wormer which you can't overdose with.

Unfortunately never used levamisole but if it is the same sort of strength and consistency then it should be safe. Did you get it liquid or powder form ?
I got this from a vet and it is definitely levamisole. The discus wormer is no good for camellanus worms so i had to get this from the vet. Unfortunately the vet didnt know what strength i shoudl dose with....
Hi Wilder, read through the article but can't see any comments on adverse reactions so not sure what the guppies problem could be except maybe they need more aeration in the tank ?
Have you increased aeration with the med.
Are they still at the top of the tank as it might be the med till they get used to it.
Thanks for the quick replies on this post/ I have now increased aeration to make sure there is enough oxygen in the tank. Wilder, from that article it would seem that it is pretty hard to overdose on this stuff. I guess i will just have to see how they get on with it overnight and then do a large gravel vac tomorrow.....

I did read another post on this forum from someone who was using 0.5ml per gallon of solution. I have used 2ml per gallon,; so 4x the dose, hence my concern!
I'm confused by all the maths.
90mg of Levamisole HCL will treat 10 gallons with a 2 ppm concentration.
Are you seeing any dead worms in the tank.
I'm confused by all the maths.
90mg of Levamisole HCL will treat 10 gallons with a 2 ppm concentration.
Are you seeing any dead worms in the tank.
Me too, as the article seems to talk about mg, whereas the levamisole i have is measure in ml, and i doubt you can assume that 1mg=1ml of the stuff.....

No dead worms as yet, but its only been 4 hours or so. Worms definitely starting to come out of the angel - so i think its working!
That good then its a sign the med working.
Good luck.
Could ask in tropical discussion about the dosage bound to be some members who are good at maths.
It's now 24hrs since i dosed the tank, so i have just performed an 80% water change to remove the med and vac up any dead worms from the gravel. Two of the three angels are still showing signs of worms, but i am hoping these are dead ones and that they will be passed in the next few days.

I've just fed my fish but none of them are eating. I guess the med could have affected them so have left the lights out and will cover the tank to keep them in the dark. Is there anyway i can get them to start eating?
Someones from the states used the same med and his fish wouldn't eat for a couple of days afterwards, so I wouldn't panic yet.
It's now 24hrs since i dosed the tank, so i have just performed an 80% water change to remove the med and vac up any dead worms from the gravel. Two of the three angels are still showing signs of worms, but i am hoping these are dead ones and that they will be passed in the next few days.

I've just fed my fish but none of them are eating. I guess the med could have affected them so have left the lights out and will cover the tank to keep them in the dark. Is there anyway i can get them to start eating?
I'm having the same problem, any luck with this yet. Are the fish feeling any better? BTW, which vet did you go to? There is a pets-at-home near to where I live and I think I read somewhere they have a vet. Would they be able to prescribe this?
Some of the fish are eating but not all of them just yet. I did another 50% change yesterday and gravel vac. Only 1 angel now showing any visible signs of the worms. I have lost 1 neon tetra and 1 guppy in the past few days....

I got my med from a vet in London. You could try Pets at Home - not sure if they will be able to prescribe it for you though...
Good luck
I think you need to retreat at a higher dose if an angel is still showing signs of internal parasites.
The med should of killed them by now.

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