letting a fish 'suffocate'??


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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i hope this person doesn't really do this. How sad. Here's the thread:
is my pleco dying

Please someone back me up there. :(
That's horrible! How could someone put their fish in a bucket with no water. :angry:
good on you for telling them where to go :thumbs:

it's pretty wrong to euthanize in that way IMO

Suffocation is a very harsh way to die- although im not sure how effective clove oil/vodka is going to be on such a big fish as alot on how successful various methods are depends on the size of the fish and if clove oil isn't prepared and gone about properly it can take a while for the fish to die...Personally though i don't think vodka is a humane method of euthanasia simpky because it burns the fish's skin off as it dies.
I think severing the spinal cord and destroying the fish's brain is going to be the only fast humane method of euthanasia here as with such a big fish, other methods which rely on poisoning the fish are not going to be very effective on a large plec.
Suffocation could take hours as plecs can tolerate being out of water much more than ordinary standard fish.
Suffocation!! Holy crap, suffocation as opposed to a long and painful death!? Bizarre and very cruel.

did you notice how it says his tail sticks out the water, and it has a tight fit, it must be waaaaay to big for that tank poor fish!
Clove oil should work fine. About 5 drops/gallon will make a 12" koi list in under ten minutes. You use more than that when you intend to euthanise the fish of course.
Clove oil works WONDERS. I used it to euthanize my gold fish. At a high dose, he was literally gone in a matter of seconds. I would never use vodka with it, however; there is no reason for it if you shake the clove oil thoroughly, and it is very painful.
I generally use the clove oil, but leave the fish overnight to make sure it is dead; typically, they become discolored, the eyes cloud, and the slime coat sheds. It is a good way to tell the difference between dead and knocked out if you are squeamish - as I am - about smashing your pet's head or cutting its spine to make extra sure.
So after having read that thread, I think she meant that if she put it in a bucket without an airstone it would suffocate. I don't think she meant just to throw him in the bucket w/out any water.

But um.. if his tail is sticking out of the water, that should be a big of a flag to get him in a bigger tank wouldn't ya THINK!?
BettaMomma said:
So after having read that thread, I think she meant that if she put it in a bucket without an airstone it would suffocate. I don't think she meant just to throw him in the bucket w/out any water.
I don't know-she did say he was 'too big to flush'. I hope she wouldn't even consider flushing a fish that isn't dead.
Sorry to get a little off-topic, but further down in that thread I read
We have no idea how big our cichlids and plecos will get--one cichlid grew really fast, and has stopped eating so much and growing for the past month or two. We just have a 29 gallon tank. Wondering if we will end up with huge fish in this little tank, or the tank will limit their growth somehow? Sorry, I'm still quite the dunce when it comes to fish.

... I guess all forums can't be like this one :rolleyes:

Thats a good comparison.

People dont care about fish like that because their not "Cute and Cuddley."
I linked to the euthanasia thread there.

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