Lethargic Endler


Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2012
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Hi everyone. I bought a group of 6 Endlers 12 days ago which are currently in quarantine. Today I noticed one of them who has always been on the thin and pale side has been acting out of the ordinary and has been very lethargic (enough that it has me concerned).

Tank size: 25 litres
pH: 8.0
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: N/A (can supply if necessary, 50% changed on Sunday so shouldn't be a problem)
kH: 15
gH: 16+ (hard water area)
tank temp: 24oC

Fish Symptoms: Lethargic. Staying near surface of the water but not gasping, just hovering there.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 50% once a week

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Simple sponge filter. Dechlorinator every water change.

Tank inhabitants: 6 male Endlers

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): None

Exposure to chemicals: None

Digital photo (include if possible):
It's not a great photo but the only one I could get.

Should I wait a few more days before thinking the worst? Should I start treating for a bacterial infection? I have some Melafix but that's all.
What treatments have you got to hand? Might be worth treating with something mild like melefix for a day or two...

I dont know... Endlers do seem to have a habit of going all wibbly somethimes (the weaker ones) and i havent found much to help it, though an internal bacterial treatment might help?
Melafix is the only med I have at the moment. I'm going to the LFS tomorrow though so should I pick up a slightly stronger anti-bacterial?

I have another Endler who looks very thin to me though he is eating and active, I just thought these two were the 'runts' and so just started out smaller. Should I wait and see with this one and isolate and treat the lethargic guy?
I picked up some Interpet Anti-Internal bacterial and have added the first dose. Let's hope they pick up a bit.
So the other Endler I mentioned who was quite thin is now hovering at the bottom of the tank with his mouth wide open :( I've added the med so I guess all I can do is wait and see? Please advise as I'm quite worried now.
They both passed away this morning :(

Should I continue the treatment to prevent resistance?
If no other fish in the tank are showing signs of illness then I wouldn't continue to treat the tank. Over medicating when not necessary just makes for more resistant bacteria etc.
Personally I would keep a close eye on the other fish and only if they show similar symptoms then would I continue treating.
Ok thank you Baccus. I was planning on moving the rest to the main tank this weekend but I think I'll leave them in QT for an extra week just in case

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