Let Me Say: I Like Crabs!


New Member
Jun 27, 2008
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Anywho... I'm new to this whole SW thing, and really don't have much invested in to the whole hobby.

However! The BF has a 100 gallon corner tank thats connected to a refugium, and I take great pleasure in watching his fishes. He has a biggish lionfish, a sailfin tang, a maroon clown, a long nosed hawk and a sea hare, as well as his other critters- button polyps that go until next week, mushrooms, frog spawn, some green fuzzy skin looking stuff, a bubble anenome, and ricordia. There is also *my* frags that I bought at a swap- green leather, purple leather, and a peach acropora/monipora thing.

The refugium has been a recent addition and has been a hideout for my green leather until it grows to be a little bigger and durable (for whatever reason the tang thinks its tasty). He has fiji mud topped with crushed coral with mangroves living in there as well. I've taken quite a liking to the refugium and enjoy the idea of having a critter in there to watch. Recently the horse shoe crab from the regular tank decided to kick the bucket, and was thinking that maybe a little crab dude would be fun to watch. Suggestions for which critter I should ask for? I don't really know who is and is not good at living in little spaces like this, so I was hoping you'd have some insight!

How big's the refugium? My first thought would be a mantis shrimp though :)
Well... er... uh... I'm not sure really. Its created out of a 20 gallonish tank with baffles to slow the flow. In the area where the fiji mud is, there is about 3 inches of mud and 4-6 inches of water that constantly is flowing over the area. I was hoping there would be some sort of little crabby-looking guy (hermits are not really my thing) that could live in there- or maybe mini fish (do they exist?). Whoever would be residing there would be living amongst 8 mangroves and my little green leather. I would be totally down with building little caves out of little rocks and shells too, if that was neccessary.

I like this guy http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/group/847/product.web but he's $35 to f-ing ship. grrr.

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