Lesion On My Cory


New Member
Feb 15, 2011
Reaction score
Onatrio, Canada
My poor Cory Catfish cannot catch a break
Apart from the fact they do not seem to eat, one of my Cory Cats now has a red lesion on his left side, back a bit from his eye
I have also noticed that his stripes have faded and appear white, compared to my other Cory Cats (Julii)
Not sure what may have caused this, and what I can do to help him
He also seem to be tilted to one side a bit when resting

I have no idea what this lesion may be. I don't think any other fish may have bit him, sine the Corys are the biggest fish in the tank
bacterial infection perhaps, seperate into another tank, upload a picture, someone might be able to hazard a guess, or take a picture on your phone and take to local fish shop for advice on treatment.

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