Leopard Plec?


New Member
Jan 31, 2010
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Hi everyone,
I bought my first plec yesterday and i'm unsure what kind of plec it is. It is Gold with black spots and is hi-finned. It was sold as a spotted sucking plec (great help). Someone told me it could be a leopard plec. Is there a leopard plec? If there is what should I feed it ( I bought algae wafers)? and will he be Ok with:
Lemon tetras, Flame tetras, black neon tetras, rummy nose tetras and 2 dwarf blue Gourmais?

Does it look like the pic?

If so it's a L001 gold spot plec with a potential for 18 inches+, other may be a gibbicep plec which will usually get in excess of 18+inches.

Other than that a picture would be needed to give a definite ID
Thanks for the picture but no.

My plec is gold with black spots, sorry. I can't add pictures because i haven't got a photobucket account either. Sorry.
Thanks for the picture but no.

My plec is gold with black spots, sorry. I can't add pictures because i haven't got a photobucket account either. Sorry.

As long as the picture is small enough, you should be able to add directly from the forum itself.

Without a picture it could be anything really (within reason lol).

Photo bucket account is free to setup aswell and very handy for times like this or just to generally show off your tanks and fish ;)
Hi again,
I haven't managed to take a picture but I think that it's fish 'code' is L114. Any ideas?
I will try to add a picture when I can get a good one but he's still quite shy.

Thanks Hagrid66
Hi again,
I haven't managed to take a picture but I think that it's fish 'code' is L114. Any ideas?
I will try to add a picture when I can get a good one but he's still quite shy.

Thanks Hagrid66

L114 is usually named a leopard cactus... try this link HERE!!! and see if it matches yours.

TBH without giving you links or pictures to possible fish, it's really quite hard to ID them.

Try the link anyways that is pictures and info on them and they are very nice fish :)
I'm 99% sure thats him.

He's still Quite small and young (and hiding) so I can't be sure.
Thanks FishyJake.

P.s Will still try and add a picture to be sure!
thats a sailfin plec potential 2 foot fish, hope you have a 6foot+ tank!! it will potentially be anywhere between 6" and a foot within about 6-8 months. if you don't have a massive tank i suggest you take it back whilst it is too small, and take it back in a bag, if they say they won't take it back just leave it there anyway, they will have to take it back, too many people buy these massive plecs and they end up ill and dead because not many people have tanks big enough to keep them.
I have an approx 3.5 foot tank will this be big enough? And is He a Leopard Cactus Plec?
Thanks Hagrid66
no its a sailfin plec, not sure on L number but they commonly reach between 18" and 2 foot if they are given the correct space and live long enough.
no your tanks not big enough, i understand you was misinformed about the fish before you bought it, but i recommend you take it back asap, it will be harder to take back or re home when its bigger.

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