Fish Addict
Hey guys, I have four leopard gouramis in my 55 gallon tank. I know they can be agressive with each other when they are older, but mine get along fairly well, as long as they all have their own ornament. But to the point, I hand feed my 3 other leopard gouramis, but one never comes out unless he thinks I'm not there. I think this comes from the fact that I literally had to rip him out of an ornament to save his live when we moved. He has hated me ever since. I want to hand feed him as well though and I don't know how he is still fat and happy when he never eats when I give my fish food. I am thinking that I will remove his ornamnet when I find that he's out of the tank. This will force him to use a different more fish owner freiendly ornament that allows me to view him. Then from this ornament, he will be forced to see me hand feeding his brothers and realize that I am the bearer of food and goodness.
Is this a good plan? Any suggestions?
Is this a good plan? Any suggestions?