Can anyone tell me if I should move my danios out once they have laid eggs. Have had good success with guppies but they are livebearers, whereas no experience with egg layers.
Where are these fish breeding? If it is in the main tank, then leave all of the fish in. Siphon the gravel and leave the water out for some time. you should find lots of fry in the bucket after 2-3 days.
You might want to get a batch of daphnia or other small live foods. You can also get java moss for microscopic organisms for the fry to feed off of.
The hardest thing about the breeding/raising of these guys is keeping the tank from getting polluted by the food, because they die in droves. Just maintain good tank conditions.
I agree with the above
If they are breeding in a seperate tank though, yes, you should remove the adults right after they spawn and using a layer of marbles instead of gravel will keep them from eating their eggs which will fall harmlessly into the gaps. Then carefuly remove the marbles and wait for the fry to hatch. Once they are free-swimming, start feeding.
The hardest thing about the breeding/raising of these guys is keeping the tank from getting polluted by the food, because they die in droves. Just maintain good tank conditions.
I accidently contaimnated my fry tank with daphnia - they loved the infurosia and multiplied like mad.
Odd thing is that the die off rate dropped rapidly. They appear to be acting as a biological filter hoovering up the excess nutrients. My fry tank is on a windowsill and used to go green very quickly - not any more since I put the daphnia in.
Plus the danios eat the young daphnia when they get big enough and grow very fast.
Never though I'd see the day when I net a young fish and carefully replace all the daphnia that got caught.
Thanks for the info
The dannios are in with the 11g gang (see sig). I have a fry tank cycled and running with a few tetras and 2 guppies. Can the fry live in a bucket without heating?