Leopard danio about to explode


New Member
Dec 27, 2019
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United States
So it’s been happening for a while know and it’s just getting worse. I’m currently on active duty military orders but my wife recently sent me pictures that have me concerned. Any ideas? Suggestions?

Going of the pictures id say your danio sadly as Dropsy.

Unfortuntely its not easily cured if not caught early enough if that is the case.

Someone maybe able to confirm this and offer advise on if its treatable.
Going of the pictures id say your danio sadly as Dropsy.

Unfortuntely its not easily cured if not caught early enough if that is the case.

Someone maybe able to confirm this and offer advise on if its treatable.
What should I do moving forward?
If the fish is still eating and doing normal coloured poop, it is an egg bound female caused by being kept in warm water and not breeding. There is no cure for this.

If the fish has stopped eating and does a stringy white poop, it has an internal infection and should be euthanised.
If the fish is still eating and doing normal coloured poop, it is an egg bound female caused by being kept in warm water and not breeding. There is no cure for this.

If the fish has stopped eating and does a stringy white poop, it has an internal infection and should be euthanised.
Fish seems to be swimming, moving, and eating properly in the video sent. Is option 1 hazardous?
This fish and the black Neon on another thread look like they are egg bound. We used to drop the temperature of the tank by about 4 degrees to induce spawning. In the fish room situation, we used to put a pair of fish into their own tank and then lower the pH by about .5. These are just things you can try.
This fish and the black Neon on another thread look like they are egg bound
Damn, I wish I read this earlier, I had a couple of Black Neons that were probably egg bound, but I euthanized them. I noticed my Ornate tetras always spawn after a water change, but not my black neons, but then I do try to match the temperature of the tank when doing a water change.

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