Leopard Ctenopoma


Fish Crazy
Jun 25, 2007
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Washington, USA
lol, i know im still planning on the dp's but now im also thinking of gettting some Leopard Ctenopoma in the future, probably in like a year or 2. and so i was wondering if anyone knows where i can get some good info on them. and also, if i were to get three or four in a species only tank, how big would it have to be.
erm, not sure about the info, but they get to around 8", as they get older though they become less active, so you might not need as big a tank as you would for a 82 aro :lol:
awesome, lol, since i was planning with the puffers i thought that id have another species tank and a Leopard Ctenopoma just seemed really cool to me. and so now, its off to research. thanks guys

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