Leo Is Sick


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
I went to feed Leo and I saw that one side of his belly is all swollen up with the scales out... but it's only on that one side and in that one area. What might this be and what can I do? :/ This is like out of nowhere! I've only had him a couple weeks and even though he wasn't ever friendly (i.e. throwing himself up against the glass when I come near it like the other boys learned to do in a few days) but seemed healthy. He still is swimming around and acting otherwise pretty much normal. Is it an internal bacterial infection or something else? :(
I have never had this happen but I have read about it on the web. It sounds like constipation. They say the best thing to do for it is to stop feeding him for a couple days and then feed peas to try to get things moving through him. HTH.
http://www.bettatalk.com has some good info on constipation in bettas and what to do. You can either shell a frozen pea and feed him some teeny pieces of it OR give him an epsom salt bath--not sure of what the ratio of water to epsom salts is. Try googling for more info on both methods. Otherwise it might be a tumor but try the constipation cure 1st. If it;s a tumor--I have one that has tumors and has gone on for a number of months now. You just have to adjust his living conditions to accomodate. Good luck!
It definitely isn't a tumor because it was really sudden. He was fine one day and all swollen the next. :/

I don't think it's constipation, because Donatello was constipated when I got him and this is nothing like it. He also doesn't have any trouble swimming, like swim bladder (which usually goes hand-in-hand with constipation). I wish it -was- something easy enough to take care of. :(

I can try the Epsom salt bath anyway though, it worked for Don.

Thanks for the replies.
Today he's looks like he's got swim bladder disease, I guess it just took a little time to show up. So I guess you guys were right and it is constipation after all. I just gave him a Epsom salt bath. :flowers:

I don't know how he got constipated though, I don't overfeed... oh well.
It might just be the pipes need a clearin' ya know??

Last time my got got that - I stop feeding him for a couple day. . . good luck! Hope he gets better!
It's not dropsy, the swelling's still in the same place as it was since the beginning. And I think if it was dropsy he would be dead by now. :unsure: I've been giving him Epsom salt baths once or twice a day and he's not getting any better. I'm getting really worried. :(

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