Length of time to dechlorinate water

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normerly about an hour.
some do say it is instantanious.
an hour wolf?
I've never seen a water conditionner that is not instant. I always do use the 2 or 3 same brands all the time though, but it never occured that I've looked at one that isn't instant... oh well, learn something new everyday!
I just read the small print on Sera aquatan(tm) and it say allow an hour before adding ammovec(tm) and nitravec(tm) (bacteria in bottles)

others are known to be instantanious
Interpet's FreshStart is instantaneous according to their info. I just put it in as the water is pouring into the bucket, then add it straightaway.
The-Wolf said:
I just read the small print on Sera aquatan(tm) and it say allow an hour before adding ammovec(tm) and nitravec(tm) (bacteria in bottles)

others are known to be instantanious

But whats that got to do with dechlorinating water? Anything that doesnt neutralise chlorine and chloramine instantly needs to be put straight into the bin, if i had to fill a container and then wait a hour for the chlorine to disperse it would take me a couple of weeks just to do the water changes on one tank let alone 9 of them.
I could see it; fishkeepers hell, eternal water changes! :D

i syphon out water i can do 300 litres in 5 minutes :) big syphon.
I put hose in tank
i put in water conditioner 50ml
i turn hose on
turn hose off 15 mins latter
water change done

CFC said:
But whats that got to do with dechlorinating water?

aquatan is a 5 in 1 conditioner
it deals with chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and acts as a stress coat for the fish
The-Wolf said:
CFC said:
But whats that got to do with dechlorinating water?

aquatan is a 5 in 1 conditioner
it deals with chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals and acts as a stress coat for the fish

So does Aquarium pharmaceuticals Stress Coat except it works instantly, if that product takes an hour to do the same job then i would seriously reconsider using it.

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