Lemonpeel, Coral Beauty


Fish Herder
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Guilford, Surrey
Spoke to the manager at the LFS to my work and he's said that as the colour differance is so much these two would not have a problem being housed together. Now I've read otherwise but don't know who to belive???
I've seen lots of pictures of different DA's being mixed together and been told they co-exist very happily together :S

Lemon Peels are reportedly the most prone to nipping at corals with a claim of 90% to nip against the 50% of other dwarf angels :(
I wouldn't add these two fish together. I have coral beauty that's about 2.5" and i tried adding another dwarf angel fish(bi-color angel). Which was about 2" long. The coral beauty just beat the hell out of the other guy. Two days later the other fish ended up dying. I only tried adding another dwarf angel fish just because the LFS told me it was ok. I really loved that bi-color angel fish too.
Although I'm sure Matt knows this, one sure fire way to fail is to put pygmy angels of the same color morph together. For instance, a coral beauty is mostly blue with some orange and yellow. Bi-color angels are also very blue. Two VERY incompatible angels. Some people claim that something like a flame angel (red) and coral beauty (blue) can be housed together in a larger tank. But even then you're taking your chances cause I've also heard of people who have tried it and had horrible results.
Bicolour angels are very, very weak. I had one too, and I loved it, but it died after a short time because when I came to feed it, it fled and didnt come out for an hour or so after I left. It was in the same tank as a Heraldi angel, of whom I still have.

Bicolours are lovely fish, but do require proper care. They are, in my opinion, one of the most difficult of the dwarf angels.

My heraldi angel now lives with a juvenile Koran angel, and they get along well.

im intrested in mixing dwarfs as ive seen it done, and when i say seen it i mean in a shop tank no more then 20 gallons and it had 3 in! all uve got to do is put them in at same time and then it can be a lottery really but ive seen it done and it can work however its a matter of are u willy to take the chance :p
i know i will be with a coral b and a elibe mixed with a half black.
im intrested in mixing dwarfs as ive seen it done, and when i say seen it i mean in a shop tank no more then 20 gallons and it had 3 in! all uve got to do is put them in at same time and then it can be a lottery really but ive seen it done and it can work however its a matter of are u willy to take the chance :p
i know i will be with a coral b and a elibe mixed with a half black.

Remember that these are only holding tanks and generally the fish wont be in there for any lenght of time

And I for one think it is irresponsible to play lottery with any livestocks life
ur right ill take it back, tbh infact u shld just pick ur most fav one and keep it only. oh question can u mix tangs? i have a yellow atm but wanna get another prehaps eg regal or summit else got any in mind?
ur right ill take it back, tbh infact u shld just pick ur most fav one and keep it only. oh question can u mix tangs? i have a yellow atm but wanna get another prehaps eg regal or summit else got any in mind?

Or you could sensible mix you livestock (Fish, Inverts & Corals etc.) so you limited any territorial, interspecies etc. fighting and have a happy Strees free reef or maybe that is just me

I seen some cracking centropyge at my LFS today I would love to add another to my reef but cant, WHY becasue I have a Coral Beauty and I do not want to watch 2 fish fight, possibly to the denise of one

Here's a compatibility chart for marine fish.

Just to let you know the LFS don't really care about these fish. They are only trying to make a buck or two. They put anything together, even really big angels in a very small aquarium.

And another thing i have a Coral Beauty Angelfish and trust me he is a very aggressive fish. He attacks my Ocellaris Clownfish's, six-line wrasse and even my diamond back goby.

Well if your gonna try it anyways goodluck. I would never try it again. Was really sad seeing my beautiful bicolor die.
After thinking for a while I’m gona research some different fish. But tanks for all the info greatly appreciated.

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