The water change will have both a positive and a negative effect. The positive is it will get the level of nitrite down prior to departure, While this will lower the nitrite levels, it will also slow the reproduction of the nitrite oxidzing bacs. It is the lack of these that is at the heart of the problem.
This course almost guarantees that over the next few days the nitrite level should build back up. How high is hard to tell. If it were my tank, after the wc, I would add some salt. Dome in a reasonable manner, it should not hurt and it should help. The only question is how much to add, and that would be my best guess. I am unwilling to guess here because it isn't my tank. Too little and it may not help enough, too much and it may cause other issues. Mostly, in the middle range it should help. That is about the best I can suggest.
If you are going to add salt- use the math outlined in my earlier post. Pick a ppm of nitrite you think you need to combat, then multiply it by 10 to get the mg/l of chloride needed and then multiply that weight by 1.5 to account for the 2/3 Chloride content, When adding salt, remove tank water, dissolve the salt in that and add it across the surface. You are trying to spread it out so the concentration a fish might swim through is not an issue. You can add it in several stages too.