So I'm going to mexico over xmas break for 3 weeks and i don't know what to do with my fish! I have 1 dwarf gourami, 4 neon tetras-I''m gonna get two more, i was waiting bc i had an ich breakout probably 3 weeks ago I'm gonna get the other 2 when i get back- and 2 otos. My tank is a 10 gallon, with a Marineland Penguin 100a or b? And i have one anubiia nana and one marimo ball, my water parameters are fine and i do pwc every 3 days i like to keep my tank clean. What should i do with the lighning and the heater? I live in MI and we are getting some snow, obviously we are not gonna leave the heat on for three weeks without using it and I'm a little worried so any advice? I can probably get a friend to come over and feed the fish or i can just buy an automatic feeder but I'm worried about their water! What if i just leave them like that without any food and probably some zuchini?
Help I'm leaving the 20th and I get back january 8th
Help I'm leaving the 20th and I get back january 8th