Leave A Tank Alone And Look What Happens


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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One of my 4ft tanks has a thriving population of mostly peppered corydoras, some other types incuding false julii and Emerald as well as some Riffle shrimp, Borneo Suckers and Otocinclus, and some threadfin rainbows just to mix it up a bit. This tank only really has general tank maintenance done, which is usually just drops and tops almost NEVER plant trimming or removal. The fish seem to like the wild jungle and the peppered corys usually reward me with a few fry.
I had been noticing some partly grown cory fry in the tank and was glad to see that the corys wheren't eating all their eggs, but tonight for the first time I spied a much smaller albino cory fry that seems to have taken up residence around the base of one of the Java ferns. The only albino cory I have my sister gave me, it is a long fin, but only its pecteral fins are long its dorsal fin is normal length. I do have some longfin normal peppered and both their dorsal and pecteral fins are super long. I had thought the albino my sister gave me was most likely an albino bronze, but it looks like I lucked out and its another peppered.
So here is one of the proud parents of my little guy.

and now the little CUTIE

Because the tank is pretty wild its any bodies guess if there are any more little albino bubs getting about.
Just goes to show you the surprises a wild tank can supply.
If you look closely at the picture of the fry you can just make out one of the adult peppered corys peeking out from under some java fern.
Ummm  Did you forget to attach the photos?
NO didnt forget, the computer shut itself down while I was still in the process of editing.
Excellent :)
Always nice to see this happening :good:
And great pics btw.
Love these kind of surprises in the tank!
In spring I might have to strip the tank down just to do a species head count its the only way of knowing for certain exactly who is in the tank. I dont know who finds it more stressful me the shrimp or the fish.
Thanks for the compliement Ch4rlie, the little fry was hell to get a clear photo of, it would not sit still and the pack of adults kept photo-bombing the shot.
Ahhh sorry Baccus.
Nice fish, For some reason I like albinos, I just got a albino BN Plleco.
Im not usually a huge fan of albino or other colour morphs (I still prefer the wild gouldain to all the newcolour strains) , the only reason I got the albino was because my sister had got it and thought I might like it. I am just lucky that it turned out to be another peppered and not a far more common albino bronze. Apparently there is also albino strebia available, and for the life of me I can not understand why you would want an all white sterbia.
Was the albino BN you got also a longin ? I have seen some amazing albino longfin BN's.
I have seen the super reds once, but I must say I still have a preference for peppermints and zebras. I do have a couple of orange spots which are going nicely and giving a lovely impression of being peppermints. I am yet to work out if I actually have a pair of orange spots, espceially since they have now matured to the point of prefering to hide then be out feeding all day every day.

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