Leather Corals


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2008
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Strange thing is happening in my tank at the moment, I have introduced a very very large leather which at first expanding all its polyps and looked great but after a week it started not expanding and at the same time my small leather also did the same. First impresions was the water quailty but all tests are fine and all other corals including my elegance and hammers are in perfect condition. They have also produced a film like substance on them which was removed by the powerheads after a while?
Position and flow have also been checked/adjusted/then re-adjusted with no luck, I am a bit stuck with this now only thing i can think of is that the two leathers may be exchanging some sort of chemical warfare but i am unsure as too whether or not this is possible with leathers?
Don't worry the toadstool is just sulking and shedding it's mucas - give it a while and it will make you proud :good: They don't like being moved or touched, so as I said, sulking! :nod:

Seffie x

Seffie is right. Leave it alone and in a few days it should be fine.
keep a check on parameters though. Even though leathers are one of the hardiest softies to keep.
Yep mine is in sulk mode at the moment too, has been for a couple of weeks, don't think it likes my cleaner shrimps crawling over it :crazy: Just hold tight and see what happens :good:
Hi All,

Thanks for the replys, I returned late last night after the football to find the polyps half out and it once again shedding its mucus/membrane? The leather is so big that the stuff covers everything!
My only concern was that there could be a problem as both leathers are doing this at once?, My LFS also told me that although leathers are quite hardy corals some of the most experienced people struggle to get the beat out of them?

do you think they are now on the road to recovery?
As Mutant says, they will be fine - just leave them alone and they will stop sulking and be glorious - it happens to us all when we get our very first toadstool

Seffie x

I remember the stench of the water when i brought home my toadstool.

It was only a 20 minute journey but man did it stink.

Really sickly sweet smell but awful at the same time. :sick:
As Mutant says, they will be fine - just leave them alone and they will stop sulking and be glorious - it happens to us all when we get our very first toadstool

Seffie x


I've had quite a few leathers before and noticed they can sulk but i have never had one so big, it is an absolute monster. I just wondered if it could upset ther balance of the tank?

P.S here is a picture when i first put it in, its hard to see its size but i bet its not far off 18" diameter!


thats a nice one there :good: i just got my toadstool not long ago too and i'm still waiting for it to extend its polyps after its slime shedding last night.

yours opened up in two days! i have a feeling i've got to wait quite awhile for mine
As Mutant says, they will be fine - just leave them alone and they will stop sulking and be glorious - it happens to us all when we get our very first toadstool

Seffie x

I have my first toady in situ and it's been there for some time now (a month at least). It shed a week ago and I still haven't seen any major polyps yet :rolleyes:

It does seem to be a game of patience indeed, but I'm fast running out :lol: :shifty:
As Mutant says, they will be fine - just leave them alone and they will stop sulking and be glorious - it happens to us all when we get our very first toadstool

Seffie x

I have my first toady in situ and it's been there for some time now (a month at least). It shed a week ago and I still haven't seen any major polyps yet :rolleyes:

It does seem to be a game of patience indeed, but I'm fast running out :lol: :shifty:

Jenny, a month is a long time - they really like flow and that seems to be more important than light - I think I would try moving your one to a place with higher flow

Seffie x

mine is the opposite, it used to open very large but for the past few weeks its been "sulking" and nothing has changed =[ every once in a while it will open up then close in a hour :-(

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