Leather Coral Shedding


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue. I have a leather coral that seems to go through a molting every couple weeks. He looks as if he is dying then a couple days later he sheds his outer layer and he's in full bloom. I assume that he goes through this process because he is growing. I was just curious if anyone knows if this is the case?

Probably not something solely for growth (not to say it isn't growing! :p ), but more to clean their surface of irritation, detritus, and prevent anything settling onto them. Normal as Ski suggested, the time frame you've stated also sounds fine. Some might do it more frequently.
never seen any of ours do this?! should they?
never seen any of ours do this?! should they?

It is normal for Sacrophyton, abut most of the time Hermits, Fish, Inverts etc, or general circulation will erode the slime coat before we get the chance to see it. If your leather seems particularly closed or not as extended as it normally is, this could suggest a moult just occurred, but you missed it.
fair enough, been the odd times it's just not opened up for no apparent reason, guess that's a possible explanation then
Make sure you have enough flow so that the gunk can be removed from the leather and it doesn't stay stuck to it too long.

Thank you all for your comments and help. I do have adequate circulation in the tank as the "gunk" clears in less than a day. I do not skim currently (can't get the stupid skimmer to stop flooding the apt) and wasn't sure if the gunk would cause any issues.

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