Leather Coral Not Happy


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
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I have 130d sea max. Recenlty brought a Leather toad stool coral, it was very shy at first, but after moving close to top of tank, to blossomed. Then, one of my lights went. 2 days later the leather closed up. I have a new light now, but leather remains closed. Its seems a bit droopy, but still sits firlmy on its rock.
My readings are - Sg / Salinity 1025 /34, Temp 25(high) - 26 (low), Nitrate 5-10, Am 0, Nitrite 0, PH 8.4, Alka 160, Phosphate 0, Cal 400.

I did have 4 Aiptasia, which i got rid of with red sea aiptasia x. The leather was not placed near them, but i do have a pink atlantic anemones, which does wonder round the tank alot?

Any ideas? is it dead? or just on holiday? :)


They do get sulky apparantly, is it discoloured? It may be getting ready to shed it's outer skin.

Give it a a while and keep an eye in it, I suggest Reading up on leather behavior and have a good look at any info you can find on moults.
Post a pic if you can

edit- I see the spec on your tank stats you have 2 55w lamps, I imagine if that is the case you have enough light.
As Sorgan said, they are renown for sulking :blink: take a look at the archived coral of the week and you will see lots of photos and info :good:

They like good flow, not so fussed about light - however if your nem is wanderinging a lot, I would suggest its not happey, probably because of lighting or flow - if your nem comes in contact with the toadstool or any other coral it will kill it :crazy:

I would up the temp in your tank as well

Seffie x
I've watched my leather corals go through various stages of shrinking, growing and shedding mucus. Although it is not entirely known if there is a specific cycle, Leather corals and others from the sarcophyton group are well known for going through mucus shedding cycles.

Generally I would consider that if the leather coral's tissue is not degrading or deflating, then the coral is still ok, and will soon open up again quite happily.

Leathers and toadstools do this a lot. i wouldnt worry.

Id just make sure its not in really high flow for now.

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