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Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2004
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Since I am starting a new tank, (40 gallon reef) I decided to reread the basics on cycling. I had heard of fishless cycling, but I had no idea how to do it! Well, I do now, and I love the idea. NO fish to stress, (or stress over) and more fish can be added after the cycle is complete, woohoo:) Everyone should read the pinned topic in the beginners section about cycling (it has the link to the fishless cycling info I read) Why kill a fish:) Why worry about them getting sick :) House hold amonia is cheaper, easier, less cruel, and quicker:D I know most of you know this already, but some of ya don't :) :D
I agree I'm in the middle of my cycle right now. Ammonia is comming under control nitrites are off the scale. I'm guess 2 more weeks for me.
Good for you. I find that cycling with fish is ok in big tanks with only 3 or so fish, but it's safer without them. :nod: :cool:

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