Leaky Tank


New Member
Apr 28, 2007
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Hi everyone.I have had my tropical fish tank for four months,and am sure it is leaking,there has been a small drop of water near the tank but could it be condensation?does the tank lose water with evaporation?I know i prob sound really stupid but the tank was brand new and cant see how it could be leaking at only four months old.Any suggestions plz?
Tanks do lose water through evapouration, if your tank is glass check all the seals at the corners, it should be smooth with cracks or bits missing.
The new fluval vincenza bow fronted tanks leak my mother in law has had 2 and after 3 months they have both started to leak from the seals at the top in the same place.
Where exactly is the water collecting? How much is there and how long is it taking to accumulate?:good:
the water is collecting at the base of the tank at the back,i wiped it up about 2pm today and it is back now
Where exactly is the water collecting? How much is there and how long is it taking to accumulate?:good:
the water is collecting at the base of the tank at the back,i wiped it up about 2pm today and it is back now
it is about a teaspoon full
Possible leaks are no joke. If it leaks and it isn't run off from evap, take the tank apart and move everything hooked up to it into a bucket along with the inhabitants. Dry out the tank and reseal it. If it is leaking that means that there is a fault on one of the seals or glass panes.
It's probably evaporated water dripping from the hood. Do you have plastic covers under the hood?
no i dont have plastic cover.Also i was wanting to ask,i have just purchased another tank 90l,am going to set that up soon,if i took a piece of filter sponge from my established tank and put in new tank would that cycle it quicker?Also i am putting,danios,tetras,lampeyes,and one of my plecs into new tank,leaving one plec,one catfish in my other tank,i really wanted different fish in that tank but am not sure on compatability,what fish mix well with barbs?
It's probably evaporated water dripping from the hood. Do you have plastic covers under the hood?
no i dont have plastic cover.Also i was wanting to ask,i have just purchased another tank 90l,am going to set that up soon,if i took a piece of filter sponge from my established tank and put in new tank would that cycle it quicker?Also i am putting,danios,tetras,lampeyes,and one of my plecs into new tank,leaving one plec,one catfish in my other tank,i really wanted different fish in that tank but am not sure on compatability,what fish mix well with barbs?
The plastic covers are a good idea as they make a huge difference at preventing evaporation. They don't cost much either. If possible, run the filter from the new tank alongside the one in your old tank for a week. If that is not possible then go for a fishless cycle and as you mentioned add some sponge and ceramic media from your mature filter into the new one. Don't remove more than about a third of the media from you mature filter as this could result in a spike and obviously replace what you remove with new stuff.

Depends what type. With Tigers you need to pick tankmates very carefully as they nip anything and everything. Gold Barbs are far more peaceful however, as are Cherries.


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