Leaking Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hi all,

I went out to buy a used 190 L juwel trigon aquarium that i won off ebay anyway when i got to the guys house i asked him to fill the tank with some water to see if there was any leaks, and there was!

it was slightly leaking from the bottom of the tank around the seal, the seal looks old & i think could do with replacing, although i dont know much about keeping fish, i thought it should not be too hard to repair so i knocked the guy down on price and took it for 50 quid less

I just wondered if anyone has repaired there tank before, or has any ideas how to do it, i was thinking some silicone sealent and some new rubber beading?

Also does anybody know where i can buy some of that rubber beading and some silicone sealent?

thanks all very much!



you HAVE to use aquarium sealant. it can be found at any respectful LFS. look in the DIY section for a guide to repair a tank seem.
you dont have to get special silicone that was made for aquariums, 100% silicone works fine, normally on the stick of silicone it will say if its safe to use on aquariums.

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