Leaking Filter.... :(


New Member
Aug 13, 2007
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After finally getting down to the LFS, bought myself a nice Fluval 304 external filter to replace my internal filter.
Fitted it all in nicely primed it up turned it on checked the top and pipework for leaks all looked great.
Started to walk away and noticed half of my tank water flowing towards me. :blink:
Bloomin canister leaks at the bottom, not to badly when turned off but when running it's like a flood. must have
lost 5-10 litres of water in less than a minute.
Anyone else had a problem like this?
Will have to get down to the LFS tommorrow for a replacement. :angry:
Its either a faulty cannister or you haven't sealed the item properly before filling it. Its also one of the reasons i wont touch anything but Ehiem. 15+ years and not a fault in all that time :)
Was certainly sealed OK. the water was actually squirting out of the bottom of the cannister
it drips slowly when turned of but pours out when turned on. suppose the cannister must have
a crack/split in it but I can't for the life of me see anything.
Not sure now if I should get a refund go elsewhere and buy another brand.
Welcome to Fluval.

This has happened to me, CFC, and many others. Fluvals are useless. There is a reason my lfs won't stock them, they fail.

Always go eheim. You save money in the long run because they work for so long.
Just to add, the Tetratec range are pretty good too! I have a Fluval 204 (bought secondhand) and a Tetratec EX700 (bought new). Both have performed well for me, but one of the reasons (but not the main) I bought the tetratec was due to the reputation of the fluval range.
yeah i have a fluval 404 and it happend to me when i first got it
it was comeing from the two inlet and outlet pipes were you screw seal them and trikling down the side of the fluval
i had to use aqwa seal mazi to sort it

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