Leaking Filter Help


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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So my tetratec ex600, which I bought from the classifieds, has been stored dry for 4 years. Come to try it, it leaked so I changed the motor head O ring, still leaked. Found this reference to a problem around the time I bought it http://www.ukaps.org/forum/threads/tetratec-external-filter-leaking-problems.4796/
Rang tetra, can't begin to tell you how abysmal their customer service is, so I bought a hose adaptor. It's come today, fitted and it's still leaking. I've also bought a spray bar kit (yet to arrive) as that was broken too. So lots of pennies spent, on top of the original cost of the filter, and I still don't have a filter.
I'm kind of out of options, I really wanted to set my tank up this half term, so I could do more water changes while I was off, but it's not looking likely now and I don't know what else to do.
I also bought a hydor external heater, but having been running with the filter for about 40 mins, the water is no hotter.
Big fat :(
Thanks for any suggestions
If its still leaking and you have changed the motor head o-ring it maybe the seals have also gone on the hose housing...(part d on the diagram http://www.seapets.co.uk/products/aquarium-supplies/fish-tank-equipment/aquarium-filters/power-filter-accessories/tetratec-power-filter-spares/tetratec-ex600-and-ex700-spares/tetratec-ex-600-and-700-external-power-filter-valves-taps.html) I had the same thing with an ex1200 I changed all the seals you could buy and it still leaked, there are seals within the top black section that the hoses fit into (not the taps) that you cannot get to unless you take the whole thing to bits and changing the seals was a pig and it still leaked, I ended up having to get a new hose connector unit.
Thank you, yes that's the part I bought that didn't stop the leak. We took the screws out and opened up the motor head, full of water! So it's definitely leaking from the hose adaptor. Bought more o rings for that today, still leaking!
But, tetra have finally replied and are sending me a completely new filter-result!
Well, it's arrived, going to test it later, so fingers crossed it's watertight :)

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