If there is algea under the seams, it's a re-silicone the lot job, or alternatiely scrap the tank and get it replaces with a new one

Algea under the seams indicates that they are on their way out and it is time to do something about it before you living room becomes your aquarium

Once the algea is noticable, you usualy have about 6 months to do something about it before the tank gives up and goes to the great tank shop in the sky
As if an when you get your replacement, I'd simply move the filter and fish into the new tank and ditch the rest. If you want to re-silicone, get you filter into a large bucket with all your fish and the heater where appropriate, and then strip the tank. Give it 24 hours to dry, then use a sharp blade to remove all the silicone on the tank. Once it's all gone, wipe the panes down with methelated spirits.
After a few minuites, place the base pane on a level surface, with an extra person or two arround to help. Place a bead of silicone accross the back of the tank bace, and place the bace pane. Use a set square to get it a 90 degrees to the bace and have your assistant hold it there. Next place a bead of silicone arround the sides of the bace, and up the sides of the back panel. Sit the side panels onto the bace, and tape them in place for the silicone to set. Give it 24hours to semi cure, then turn the tank into its back pane, and affix the barce bars wit more silicone. Now run a bead of silicone arround the side panel edges and the front of the base pane ready to sit the fron pane on top. Again tape in place. It's best a this point to allow the panes to sit undisturbed for anout 48 hours. Now cut the excess silicone off the inner and outer panes with a sharp blade, and again go over with methelated spirtis to remove the residue. Now you will make your glass box water-tight by running a bead of silicone along all the inside edges, before smoothing over with a small coin. It is best at this point to mask off where you don't want the silicone to go as this step often gets messy. Remove the masking tape and laeve to set for 72hours, before filling (preferable outside) and leaving for a short while to check for leaks. If all is well, it's ready to use again
Make sure you use aguarium grade silicone if you re-build the tank, but IMO it is more trouble than worth, so I get a replacement unless cash was realy short.