leak again


New Member
Jul 23, 2005
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Came home yesterday and found about 5 gallons of water missing from my 44 gal octagon aquarium. :angry: Well not really missing...It was on the floor right in front of the tank! I got to try to keep a good sense of humor about this.

The tank leaked on me about two months ago. I thought I had it resealed. I guess I didn't. The last time I didn't cut the silicone from between the glass. I cut the old stuff off the surface of the in and outside but not between. I've read that the new silicone doesn't like to seal to old silicone. So how do you fix a seam without redoing everything? You got to end somewhere.

Anyone have tips they would like to share?

Anyone ever see a tray that you could set the tank on with a drain in the back. I'm thinking a tray will a 1 inch high lip all around that would catch the water and direct it to a drain hole that could be piped to a bucket or something...
Hi Bill - sorry I can't help you, but you might get more of a response in the DIY section of the forum. See if you can PM one of the mods to move your post across there.

Good luck ! :thumbs:
Hi Bill,
I think you are looking for a workaround to this problem by the sound of things. At some stage you are going to have to confront the problem head on and empty the whole tank and thoroughly reseal the problem area. Sorry but there's no quick fix.
do I have to do all seams or just the one that is leaking. If I do just the one that is leaking then will the new silicone seal to the old silicone ok?
Way I see it...you are going to have to take that pane of glass completely off and re-seal the whole piece (all the seams that make contact with that piece of glass).
New silicone will not adhere too well to old. You will have to strip the whole lot back. Just because it is dripping from one point dosen't mean that is where the actual leak is. It is possible that the leak is somewhere else and is seeping behind the silicone and emerging where you see the water comming out. Strip the whole thing back to clean glass and apply a new clean bead of silicone, then wet your finger and run it along the seam. I generally put some extra silicone at the corners where the upright panes meet the base.
Hi Bill,
I think you are looking for a workaround to this problem by the sound of things. At some stage you are going to have to confront the problem head on and empty the whole tank and thoroughly reseal the problem area. Sorry but there's no quick fix.

I agree although the Catch pan for a possiable leak of an Aquarium, like those they make for Hot Water Heaters is a very interesting thought though I must Admit.

If you could come up with one and perfect it let me know, I might make one myself, it would even come in handy for when a Filter Overflows for no appearent reason.

You might even Make Millions??? :lol: :hey: :lol:

But back too being Serious.

Your going to have to DRAIN the Entire tank, and let it Dry for at least 3 days.

Then take a Razor Blade Knife and Carefully Cut off the Silicone from both directions from inside the tank to Expose the Seam that is in between the Glass, If you know where the Leak is exactly, Cut and Clean it off Several Inches in both directions from where the LEAK is.

Then Clean the area throughly with Rubbing Alcohol, So that the New Silicone will have a CLEAN SURFACE to stick to.

Then apply the Silicone to the section to be Resealed, then SMOOTH it out with your fingers, Make the repair Seam Wider then the rest to insure a good seal, in fact Running a little of it over and passed where the Old and New Silicone Meets never hurts.

And that SHOULD do It.
Your Seal should be as Good as New...
WE HOPE... :lol: :nod:

At least thats how I've done it in the Past and it's WORKED for ME. :S
Way I see it...you are going to have to take that pane of glass completely off and re-seal the whole piece (all the seams that make contact with that piece of glass).

I wouldn't go this far. I'd look for where the leak may be coming from. If the spot can not be found then I'd empty and dry out the tank first then take a single edge razor and cut off all the old seal (just has to be enough so the new silicone can be laid down about the same thickness as the old bead). Let it dry and cure completely before refilling.

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