Lazy Or Just Tired?


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
the mitten state
Well I set up my spawning tank the other day and decided to release the female. So i watch female swim off to where the male was(somewhere by the heater) and started nudging him. I thought this was a going to be the most peaceful spawn ever. But the male just swam away, so the female chased after him. Then the male took at nap on the heater so the female just swam away. He seems so...lazy mebbe he needs viagra or something :huh:

Yeah..I think my guy is in love with the heater....
:crazy: just a very lazy bloke.. probably wants her to do all the work while he put his feet up in front of th fire! :lol:
yep the day before they were in the tank both male and female were blowing bubblenest, now my guy just lays on the heater...
well I switched my dud guy with a different one. Good, the pair have started spawning buuuut its been about 20minutes and the poor virgins dont have a clue what they're doing. female slips out of embrace and i have yet to see any eggs. How long do I give them before I call it quits..? :X :/
Ahhhh after 6 hours i have a butt-load of eggs. Finally, success! :hooray: And I am ready to take care of the fry. Also I will be using the "Leave the Father with the Fry" method. If the dad can cull them for me then all the better. (If anyone has tips on this please feel free to share :D )

But I also have a question for Wuv or anyone else who thinks they can help. In Wuvs article on decapping Brine Shrimp eggs it says...
"To store them in the fridge you just need to put a heavy salt solution in a jar and keep them there. They will stay in a suspended animation for months."
Now my question, what is a heavy salt solution? ????

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