Lazy Nerite


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2019
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I have a nerite snail in a 5 gallon who refuses to clean my tank. There are other pest snails working hard. There is plenty to clean, but he refuses to move. Is something wrong with him? Thoughts?
Are you sure he is alive? I have seen my nerite snails sit for a week in one spot ,at first I thought they were dead but now I think they get stuffed and then sit awhile digesting the food. Again just an assumption of my part.
My nerite dosent do much algae wise... my mystery snail does!
Are you sure he is alive? I have seen my nerite snails sit for a week in one spot ,at first I thought they were dead but now I think they get stuffed and then sit awhile digesting the food. Again just an assumption of my part.

I'm pretty sure he's alive since I took him from my big tank to small tank. He might be full. I also know he most likely alive since he's still pooping.
I'm pretty sure he's alive since I took him from my big tank to small tank. He might be full. I also know he most likely alive since he's still pooping.
That is a sure sign ;) he is alive :) I had mystery snails and they ate many of my plants leaving only my ferns alone.
My Nerite consistently moves about the tank eating algae. He just moves REALLY slowly. Getting two more today to help him with the algae cleanup. I have read that they can sleep for up to 30 hours every few days. Have also read that they need to surface periodically for air but haven't seen him anywhere near the surface in the three weeks I've had him.

I have a good pH, but I worry about copper from my tap water and Flourish plant fertilizer - which I use sparingly. Not sure about the hard tap water, but there is .0001 (ppm I assume) copper in the Flourish.
I use Flourish but at half dose once a week as most of my plants are slow growers and I have two 9 year old nerites which are still going strong :)
Bought two new Nerites on Saturday and they are even more inactive than the first. They hardly move.

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