Lazy Corys...


Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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I keep hearing how everyone's corys swim around, and play, and are so entertaining. The only time mine move is at feeding time, laying eggs, or if I get the camera. I have bronze, albino bronze, peppered, and elegans. They all just lay on bottom. Am I picking lazy fish, or am I doing something wrong? Should they be more active? If so what can I do to encourage them to move around more?
Thanks :good:
Many factors can determine how active your corys are. If all water conditions are good it may be to do with tankmates, how many large the group is, temperature, O2 levels and also how secure they feel in your tank. My Bronze cories were much more active in my other tank on their own which had black Eco complete substrate which I think made them feel more secure. At present, they are in another tank with quite bright quartz gravel andd they seem less active. I will shortly be moving them to the other tank soon.


The biggy is the tank mates. They are more active at certain times. Your mix of Cories like different water temps. They are also river fish and like currents to play in. But if they are not hiding, they line up in the open staring at you, and they spawn, then they are happy enough to matter.

It is as mlawson says: Lots of factors influence them.
I to have a question regarding this topic. My cories 2pepper 3 sterbai, become inactive aswell during the day. I can confidently rule out that the problem is the tank mates. I have 2 female rams and 1 betta in with them. The betta sitting on the bottom with them and the rams are smaller then the corys so they stay away from them hehe. They are doing fine just dont seem as active as usual lately. In 2 weeks ill be gettin a few more of each. I would love to now but will be away for the two weeks and want to monitor the new arrivals. Sorry for hijacking the thread icegirl
I have black and white gravel with a good bit of white. Maybe that is it. I have ecco complete and black sand waiting for the rest of the supplies and plants so I can change it all at once. Maybe they will like that. I also have more wood soaking.
Thanks for the responses :good:

Bozza... no problem... hijackers are welcome. If you get an answere that is all that matters. I can learn from yours too. :good:
I can't say I am an expert here. I do think that Cories may go through seasonal cycles when they are more active than other times. Peppers do like cooler temps than Betta and probably than rams too.

I don't trust Betta, because I have had them start as best mates with Cories. sleeping with them etc., only to get aggressive as they age and torment the poor dears. They were sneaky too. I didn't catch them for some time. It happened more than once and others have had the same experience. Still not all Betta probably become a problem.

Do you think some substrate affect them, such as with the color?

Hopefully someone has more info.

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