Lazers Kill Fish? Dont They?


Jul 18, 2005
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evil that is some lazer light show for fish tanks but i remember last year in physical science one of my friends snuck a lazer into class an she shined it on the teachers big comunity tank an it killed a fish in like a split second...then the teacher freaked! anyways i was wondering why this site would be selling something that can do that to a fish...sorry for makin a hate thread ive never done it b4 but it really pisses me off.
I have a little laser that I play with my fish with and its never hurt any of them. I've shined it right on them for extended periods (like 1 minute) with no problems.
I have a question.... why would you need a laser for your tank? Whats it for? why would you want to point a laser at your fish?
Well with that link Alix showed us I guess its for people that are gothic or like heavy metal and like laser shows. :/
Ever seen a cat play with one of those laser pointers? Well it works exactly the same with fish..some of them will chase/play with it...they think it's food. Works best with aggressive fish...but some shoalers will also play along. I can't find mine currently (I have bought about 20 in the last 5 years lol..damn little things) but I use to play with my neons with it.

I can't see it killing a fish though...something like that would be it would also harm other things ..not just fish.
Lol, i'm not sure what your looking at durbkat but doesn't really seem like a gothic thing to me.... Its from Petsmart for gods sake!
Well with that link Alix showed us I guess its for people that are gothic or like heavy metal and like laser shows. :/

That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. What on earth makes you relate gothic with laser shows? Last time I've seen a laser show there were many people there and none that stood out to me as gothic. It is just that, a show ... designed to entertain people, not a certain group of people, just anyone. And that's exactly what it does.

As for lasers killing fish, I've heard it, but far as I'm aware it's just a myth. Lasers mostly get used on bigger fish that are more responsive to their owners. Oscars & puffers for example, quite often like playing 'chase the finger'. You move your finger accross the tank, and they'll follow. They'll do the same to the laser ... it's just a fun little toy, no more
Are you kidding Erised?? All goths and fans of heavy metal LOVE laser shows! :hyper:
I have never met a single goth in my entire life that didn't freakin' love lasers.
lol ... I didn't mean it like that :p What I meant was, you don't have to be a goth to like laser shows. Durbkat makes it sound as if you have to be either a goth or like heavy metal to like laser shows. Personally I love them as well, I think pretty much everyone does really :p ... I just found it a bit insulting the way he stated it.
lol ... I didn't mean it like that :p What I meant was, you don't have to be a goth to like laser shows. Durbkat makes it sound as if you have to be either a goth or like heavy metal to like laser shows. Personally I love them as well, I think pretty much everyone does really :p ... I just found it a bit insulting the way he stated it.

heh, sign at a laser show: "you don't have to be goth to enjoy this, but it helps!" :lol:

(sorry if no one else finds this amusing; these sorts of signs may only be a US phenomenon)
I was just being silly :p

I'm going to goth test this thread now... if you can finish this sentence, you are goth:
"Nice boots..."

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