thanks superman! Right now we have enough algae, but I was afraid that the snails might eat some of his food until it was gone...........I will definitely do the flakes and the dried seaweed. I was thinking seaweed, but wanted to hear from an expert! Would he like to eat a zuchinni maybe?superman said:Well make sure he isn't in the same tank with other fish like tangs and such that will compete with the lawnmower blenny for green foods (algae and plant matter) I would get a good quality marine flake food, and also see if the lawnmower will eat the dried seaweed that you can buy that comes in sheets. You may even want to suppliment iron into your tank to keep the greens growing. Green Green Green is the name of the game to keep the lawnmower blenny happy, now that you got him, it is your responsibility to keep him happy, and that will take some doing when you don't have algae growing.
Wow that is a good idea great lakes.....I will do that! Thanks for the awesome advice!Great Lakes said:You cam get a small tank, and put a few pieces of live rock in it. Have it set up by a window where it will grow hair algae. Then swap a rock between tanks to keep your LB happy.
I have a 90 that is a hair algae factory! We use it as a holding tank for extra Live rock and a few oddball inhabitants.
thanks.......will do that! So far we have enough algae at the moment to keep him happy. I have bought all kinds of greens to keep him happy just in case......ostrow said:#1 my tang and blenny co-exist happily
#2 my blenny eats lots of algae ty pes including corraline off the glass so you want to hope you never run out!!!
#3 get some noori for your tang and watch the blenny eat the bits that escape your tang, use an algae clip to hold the noori.
Okay everyone, just wanted to give you an update................the algae is growing faster than the blennie can keep up with, so right now the situation is under control. I don't plan on adding anything that will compete with what other fish could I add (peaceful please) that wouldn't eat any or much of his algae? I kinda like the oddballs, but at this point they are all oddballs to me, so anything you suggest will be much appreciated!ostrow said:Superman, normally I'd agree. But:
1 48 gallon reef tank
1 emerald crab
1 red leg hermit crab
5 turbo snails
2 tomato clowns
1 lawnmower blennie
I have a 75G, true, and only 1 emerald, but I have a total of about 100 snails and crabs, and about 35" worth of fish.
If this tank were stocked differently I would echo exactly what you said. But 2 clowns and 1 lawnmower blenny in a reef tank? I am assuming lr/ls by that title.
The key to whether algae will run out is not the livestock in this case, it is the lighting. Assuming there are at least 250W, and preferably more like 350W, I see algae build-up being a problem, not algae loss. More clean-up crew needed fast!
are you telling me that the clowns "got " the blenny? those sweet innocent clowns???Flounder said:I had a clown and blenny in the same tank till the blenny got to close the the clowns home and went belly up.
Here is a nice link to head to. I like going there and looking at the fish.
When I get ready to start putting the fish in my tank i will go window shoping make a list and let the pros tell me what is good for a reef and what isn't.
do you mean an anenome?Flounder said:hehe no but what the clown is living in got him i think. He didn't die naturally. I saw him getting close to the clowns home. And i think it stung him.
The clown saw the whole thing i bet. but isn't talking!
oh, okay. That makes more sense to maybe I shouldn't get one for my clowns?Flounder said:hehe yeah.