Largest Plec For 200l (50 Gallon)


Fish Addict
Dec 3, 2007
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Just wondering how many inches the largest plec that could fit into a 50 gallon (fairly heavily stocked) tank comfortably would be?

I really like L128s and L200s but not sure if they are too big?

Also how fast do fancy plecs grow?

Thanks :good:

Just wondering how many inches the largest plec that could fit into a 50 gallon (fairly heavily stocked) tank comfortably would be?

I really like L128s and L200s but not sure if they are too big?

Also how fast do fancy plecs grow?

Thanks :good:
You do have quite a lot of stock in that tank - what filter are you running and what is the footprint of your tank? (dimensions)?
Also, your two Hillstream loaches don't fit into that set-up. They're cooler water fish and will have a much shorter life span in that setup I'm afraid.
If your tank is 4ft and you run a good external filter and you regularly maintain your water changes, you could add something like a juvi L200 - they're relatively slow growing. Or a bristlenose etc. Look at the pinned list of pleco's under 8" and stick to the smaller ones when making your choice.
Different plecs grow at different rates.
The stock sounds a lot but most of the fish are babies still. Also I am adding quite a few more fish as I recently lost a bunch to an internal bacteria (introduced by a new fish despite quarentining it).

My tank is, i think 3.5ft by 2ft and I have a fluval 305 filtering it (which is for up to 300 litres). I have never had a problem with water paramters. The nitrate in my tap is 40 and in my tank water it is around 20. I also do 30% weekly changes.

The Hillstream Loaches were being sold as tropical fish so i bought them (as adults) figuring if that's how they've been raised it's probably best to keep them in a heated tank.

Anyway my final stocking plans will be:

2 Angelfish
6 Corys
2 Bolivian Rams
2 Kribs
2 Otos (I know these should be in groups but i have no luck keeping them alive)
1 L168
2 Hillstream Loaches
1 Dwarf Gourami
4 Pentazona Barbs
8 Amano Shrimp
3 Cockatoo Cichlids (MFF)

Could I add a Juvie plec to that? I plan to get a bigger tank in a year or so.

Thanks for the reply!
Hillstream loaches are wild caught - they are not captive bred. None that I've heard of ever anyway. So those adults grew up in much cooler and very fast flowing highly oxygenated water - and haven't been sitting in the lfs too long before you bought them. Just warning you that you shouldn't get too attached to them because they're not going to last long (I can say that as I speak from experience).

Otos's I wouldn't worry about too much not having groups. Mine never ever hung out even vaguely around each other. But make sure they have enough plant matter and algae or they will starve.

Personally, I'd add two more cories and not get another catfish. Cories really enjoy being in groups and you only have two. You already have an L168 too.

And get your bigger catfish when you get a bigger tank is my suggestion :good:

Edit: not knowing an awful lot about cichlids I can't say too much - but you do seem to have quite a few in a "relatively" small tank for territorial fish.
I have 6 corys not 2.

The hillstream loaches I might give to the nursery where I work to put in their coldwater tank. I knew they were coldwater fish when i got them just figured as they were going to be sold to someone elses tropical tank anyway i might as well get them, they are supposed to be kept at 19-24 degrees and my tank fluctuates between 24 (after water change) and 27 (after a hot day) so not a huge difference. They are pretty cute though!

I wont get another L-number, just love those L128s and L200s and my L168 just hides all day! May have to speed up the purchase of a new tank :)

Thanks again!

As for the cichlids my tank is pretty heavily planted, there is currently no aggression (except from my dwarf gourami!!) but if there is I don't mind getting another tank or removing some of the fish.
Sorry about the cory's. That's all good then :good:

Personally I'd still hold off on getting a medium sized catfish (or the potential to grow large-) with current stock.

Yeah, my L168 also just hid all the time but my L200 is out and about all the time. Perhaps see you you can do a swap - as an option?
Yeh I agree I wont get a plec, was just asking on here in the hope people would say it was ok :rolleyes:

I know my tank sounds overstocked but when you see it all the fish have tonnes of room and it's heavily planted. Also I never have problems with water quality and I maintain my tank really well. The only problem is because I wanted a high tank for my angels I lose some of the footprint.

Thanks again for your help, I'll just have to wait for my L200 :(
Oh, others might say differently - don't take what I say as gospel :good:

It's always so tempting to get another fish - but in the past I've just swapped fish out either with forum members or return to lfs as an exchange for something else.
Dependant on how heavily you're filtering it you could maybe get away with another, also depends on the amount of territories you have could you show the set up?

But essentially i agree with Bloo, buy what fits the tank you have not the tank you are getting.
This is the tank a couple of months ago but set up is pretty similar, Just a few more plants.


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